Sunday, July 06, 2014

Dream - Leopard

In a large hotel where friends are sharing a suite of rooms. It is an old hotel and a sliding door below the room? has access to a sub basement that oddly has a collection of exotic animals of unknown origin (old zoo, private collection?) an Absynnian leopard is roaming the halls and I have taken refuge in my room, only to accidentally find this passage. A roommate unknowing leaves the sliding door to this part of the basement open after I have closed it, allowing the leopard access. I have figured out what is going on and have started to alert the others, but the roommate has partitioned himself off in his part of the room, and will not know of the leopard in our room. He is safe until he ventures out. I run to some of the other rooms to alert the others and realize I have no way to get in touch with the trapped roommate (may be Topher Grace) while we work on solutions and fret, some of the others return and accidentally allow other wild exotic animals into the room — 2 albino leopard cubs,  and adult predatory cats. We are frozen and fear that Topher Grace has been mauled, because the first leopard is not in sight.