Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Dream • Stairs and Improv

There is a downtown destination for an improv troupe performance I am attending, perhaps with my Dad. It is near 2nd and Howard in a tall ceiling'd warehouse/(wherehouse) There is much young excitement and merriment in a pre-show hub bub. I am curious and it harkens back to my younger past in performing and location. The troupe is new and old at once in the type of pieces they have chosen to perform and are discussing amongst themselves.
Now I am with Teresa Roberts and we are at another more refined location. Barbara Scott is there and 'in charge' of the impending festivities. It seems to be a performance space for a more wizened troupe and I see a few other familiar faces. People come and go because the bathroom is on another floor. The long industrial stairs are grey and lead to a taller floor that has a parking garage attached. The spaces are somewhat infinite, unfinished yet friendly and welcoming once the layout of the maze is understood. I traverse the stairs more than once, sometimes with Teresa, sometimes guiding others.
Now I am at home at the Wakelins and am aware of their lanai that is used as a warming sun room. The north south geography of the house is apparent and the Wakelins may have just arrived home and we are reviewing their home, as well as getting an informational tour.