Saturday, February 22, 2014

Dream • Toy Story Date and Lots of Boys

I am on a first date or being wooed by a wealthy entrepreneur/celebrity and while there is an attraction on both our parts, I am the prize. We are at his house which is large, cavernous, old and ramshackle. It is filled with recently acquired old things of interest. A cabinet of curiosities which he is showing and proudly explaining their provenance. I am intrigued but unimpressed as he shows me his stuff. It is of more sentimental worth to him, and I find that interesting and am politely attentive. We are in his bedroom which consists of a roll top desk, large closet, bed, and other furniture of dark wood. He has an appointment that he will return to me from. I am convinced to stay and he offers his prize possession for me to read in his absence, a copy of Time magazine with a cover story about the movie Toy Story, which he had some technical or VO part in. He looks like Colin Ferrell in Carlos Allizeraqui's body with a Jimmy Fallon's young boy vibe. Very cute, probably younger, and a catch. I settle in to read the article and proceed to fall asleep for a short nap. I am awakened by assorted comics that have been hanging out downstairs in this huge house. They are familiar to me and it is like seeing old friends. However my presence in this role is somewhat of a curiosity to them. They are suspicious and jealous of the owner's date with me. They disperse and a soft-spoken Will Durst comes in to witness my presence in this odd circumstance. We talk quietly for a time, while he gets up the nerve to confess and warn me that at some point (when I die) he will finally approach me and do this— he plants a tender kiss directly on my lips and leaves. I am surprised and aroused by his planned & practiced speech. During this encounter on the bed,  I have creased and folded this mint condition Toy Story magazine cover. I furtively try to smooth it out and press it under something heavy in a futile attempt to fix it. I decide I must leave as I am rested, have confusing feelings about Will's gesture, need to get back to my life. I go to the bedroom closet to retrieve my long coat and realize the lining is covered with clinging saffron, a perk of being in this wealthy household. I try to dust off and remove the exotic orange spice by beating it against the closet's doorway. After much effort at this task, I finally exit to the larger house and encounter other's that question my extended nap. At about this time, my date returns and we have a chance to say a romantic good bye among his other installations of historic acquisitions. One of which is a 3-D printer that he has used to create a charm or key fob of dream-forgotten shape for me. It is more trinket than keepsake but a lovely gesture. We kiss but it is hollow and without chemistry, and we both know it, despite wanting it to be otherwise. We part with abit of sadness at the inevitability of this realization. I am outside and walking home with pals as I retell of my adventures.  At home, Kathy Hughes comes in and is panicked because clothes/possessions that had been stored in her car are missing. I had seen the car in the driveway, untouched moments before, but she reports there is one item of clothing on the ground and the driver side door is ajar. I ask if maybe Anne is around and emptied the car… but no, so we go to investigate and try to solve the mystery/theft.